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3D Printer Filament PLA

3D Filament PLA 1,75mm black

Product no.: PLA BL
On Sale (Best Seller)

w/o taxes: 13,37 €
w/ taxes: 16,18 €
This is our most expensive picking type. Someone has to open a bag, count your items and put the bag back in the warehouse.
Shipping time: 1-2 business days Ex Works
Estimated stock:
This is a quantity that is available in our current supply chain. The shipping time give us the possibility to mouve the product to the right place at low cost.
Shipping time: 1-2 business days Ex Works
Products description

Product description:
Filament is wound on a spool, vacuum packed together with a desiccant.

Material: PLA
Diameter: 1,75mm
Dimensional tolerance: +/- 0,05mm
Roundness: +/- 0,02mm
Weight: 1kg net
Spool diameter: 200mm
Spool width: ~ 70mm
Diameter mounting hole: 52mm
Hot end: 190-205 °C
Heating bed: 60-70 °C
It is recommended to use a cleaning sponge filament.

Explanation and technical informations: 07.06.2018 12:25:29
5 of 5 Stars!
A good PLA filament that can be used for most types of prints. We use this brand of filament almost exclusively for all of our prints and have had no problems with it so far.
Leander 10.02.2020 19:43:57
5 of 5 Stars!
I have already printed a few filaments from \"well-known manufacturers\" and I can wholeheartedly recommend buying this inexpensive filament! I have rarely had such an uncomplicated and finely processed material. My Anycubic Chiron and Artillery Sidewinder X1 completed every print with 100% satisfaction. Got the black, white and crypton yellow. Really great!!! Keep it up!

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